15th floor Octagon building has been a subject of urban “myths” nowadays. ”Myths” that evolved to various stories on its own by different sorts of people and mindsets. To its detractors and illegitimate business counterparts, there are also myths that are promised but are not supported by actual results: Success. Valid and genuine success. Many multi level marketing companies promise immediate success to its distributors, often times giving them false hopes. More often, its successful members attain (not achieve) their successful status not through genuine work, but through manipulation, therefore attaining successes that are short-lived. Nu Skin Philippines however, with offices in 15th floor Octagon Building, has produced genuine successful business executives purely on legitimate and valid hard work and perseverance. They are called their Blue Diamonds, and they are not called as such for nothing.
Blue Diamonds are the rarest form of diamonds and it is evolved through the test of time, hammered by challenging climates, and formed out of the ordinary to be extraordinary. Nu Skin’s Blue Diamonds are explicitly described as its direct equivalent in the business. They are the cream of the crop, the achievers who stand out, surviving the challenging climates and test of time. They did the business exceptionally through hard work, and best of all, they are ordinary people who became extraordinary in what they do and how they live, because they have decided to.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Genuine Success in Nu Skin Philippines
Nu Skin Philippines brings genuine success to its distributors in more than a decade, proving the company's legitimacy and credibility to the industry. At the forefront of Nu Skin's success are their Blue Diamonds and they are people that Nu Skin brands who demonstrate enthusiasm – constantly. Inspiring leaders who have an abundance of passion for what they do. You cannot inspire unless you’re inspired yourself. Period. Passion is something that cannot be taught. You either have passion for your message or you don’t, and these people legitimately earned all these. They are leaders among already emerging leaders, and inspiring leaders tell memorable stories. There exist hundreds of Blue Diamond testimonies around the world, but most importantly, inspiring and compelling tales have also taken place here in the Philippines. Ordinary and relatable people, average Joes, students, even those with physical disabilities, have not hindered their road to genuine success. I have witnessed during my time with this company, how an ordinary farmer from Quezon struggling with a new family was able to ultimately achieve tremendous success in what before seemed to be impossible. His problems were real, that became subjects of his drive, and therefore his eventual success was real. He never resolved to take shrewd means to an end, only real hard work, motivation, and the promise and opportunity of a company, doing the real business in 15th floor Octagon Building. They are real people like you and me. Young people who became self-made millionaires at the tender age of 25 – 30, people living in poverty and tragedy who successfully changed their lives and the lives of the people they love.
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