It is Nu Skin Philippines and it is a multi-level marketing, and that's the truth. And why do people get into this kind of business? The simple basic principle: to earn with integrity. The reason top earners that work with the companies have the ability to generate such a high level of income is because they use a distribution concept called network marketing. Now I don't know if you have heard tons of negative feedbacks about Network Marketing, or investigated any of the companies who use it to market products. Although, there are radical differences in the way this business structure can be used, it's basically a means that you can work as an independent contractor of a company. Which have already developed a proven product and business plan, established a network of distributors, and be paid on multiple levels of production within that business network.
In a nutshell, Network marketing is viewed by many business analyses as combining the best elements of traditional business. There are two different business plans utilized in network marketing: Most people’s perception of network marketing is probably retail related. They generally think of someone working out of their home, selling products and setting up customers. The retail approach has many of the advantages of owning a small business, but without the risk or overhead. Many people are involved in network marketing just to earn extra money.
The business end of network marketing is different, distributor’s work with the company to find people in the business community who are interested in starting their own business or diversifying into a highly profitable one. They then set them up as a distributor, participate in their training and then they receive a percentage of the production that comes from that organization every month it occurs, forever. It's an additive continual commission. This can build into a large residual, continuing income. The business provides an unlimited upside potential but without the overhead expenses or calculated risk normally found in business. This is the factual and corporate reality of what truly is behind the calls you receive from people in 15th floor Octagon Building.
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